Sunday, November 04, 2012

So Young, So Perfect

Now don't misinterpret the title, I'm not some crazy child loving runner, just a runner who happens to be crazy. Today, the morning after Ofsaa cross, my mother woke me up early and asked me if I could walk my little 8 year old sister to her soccer practise, begrudgingly I agreed. With stiff legs filled with lactic acid from the probable lack of cool down from the previous day I walked her to where she needed to be. So there I sat, on the side of the gym cheering my sister on like Will Farrow in the movie kicking and screaming when I realized she had phenomenal heel lift, absolutely no heel strike and a beautiful lean from her ankles. Now I've been told running was in my blood but never thought that you could be born with a perfect stride! So I decided I'd examine the strides of every other 8 year old child playing soccer at the time, and turns out I got the same results! So young, so perfect! Every single one of them chasing the ball without a care in the world, just running for fun, unknowing of what a good or bad stride is not caring whether or not they were heel striking or if their cadence were quick enough, just running. What made it so that people these days can't run so innocent, so perfect. Is it that we've been tainted with the large heel of our shoes or is it that we just don't run enough anymore. I think a little carelessness is just what we need, we need to just get outside for the sake of running, let our bodies take us for a ride and enjoy it, just have fun. Maybe for once, we should learn a lesson from those we try so hard to mold and teach and let them teach us to feel innocent and perfect once again.

By the way congrats to the panet lads for the Ofsaa gold and remember ''Any run can be an adventure'' (quoted from rj previously on NPS)


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