Sunday, November 11, 2012

Between Seasons, We Reminisce

Well unfortunately the cross country season is over, but oh man was it a good time! With a summer full of miles, wine chugs and dinner for two followed by a season of hard workouts, even harder races and loads of hardware, I really enjoyed myself! So I decided I'd make a list of the most memorable moments of the season.

Movie Monday!

Movie Monday was probably the day that I most looked to forward  in the week, there was never anything better then going for a good ol' yog, meeting up with the jets,  grabbing a few brew and enjoying whatever film we have chosen to watch said evening, for example LOTR extended edition, Batman, The Men who Stare at Goats, the list goes on! It was on these days that plans were made, songs were sung and chirps were well, chirped! The only other event that I looked forward to as much as movie Monday was.....


Yes Settlers! Well at least some may know this game as settlers while others know it as "The game that destroys friendships". Every so often through out the summer, someone from the jets would blow the conch, the conch of the Facebook machine to unite us all for a heated match of settlers. These moments were taken so seriously that we managed to turn planned nights of fun, crochet and beach olympic events at Benabus's cottage to heated battle in a matter of minutes. Anyway DC kept track of the total wins on his mobile device and I think Benabus is in the lead but not for long if I can help it!

Beach Olympics

This summer the jets had their first annual beach Olympics, except for first annual doesn't really apply here because it's not quite annual yet so it would be more like the first to be annual beach Olympics, anyways the events this year included the men's individual crochet, won by rj with an astounding lead over the rest of the field, The men's team ladder toss event, won by rj and I and finally the men's team Bocce Ball in which Benabus and I proceeded to win. I had loads of fun!
The beach Olympics definitely deserves a spot on the best memories of the season list, this one will have to become a tradition.

Dinner for two

Dinner for two marks the best workout I have ever had in my life, a perfect mixture of hills, tempo, fartleck and speed. Rj's fast pace killed me but I never felt so good after a workout as this one here. During our very needed cooldown rj and I decided to visit sm at boston pizza. There was only one problem with our visit... We didn't have any money but we proceed to be seated none the less. That evening we had a dinner for two, a dinner of 2 tall, thirst quenching glasses of water. We ended up finishing our meal by giving a tip of mints that we received from the front desk. It was a memorable night!

"That Night''

Anyone who has participated in ''That Night'' won't need an explanation but for all those who didn't have the chance to participate... let's just say there was a whole lot of wine, ping pong, just dance 3 and sign changing. Nuff said...

Anyway these were some of the most memorable moments of the summer and now that the season is over all I can do is go stir crazy from the lack of running and reminisce on all the good workouts and fun I had. Between seasons we reminisce.


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