Monday, July 02, 2012

Give It Up?

Close your eyes, here my voice, go to the place the words take you...

Oh s***. This blog doesn't talk out loud. Too bad. Lets see now how good my describing skills are, I'll try to give you an image of what is going on, not sure how this is gunna work.

Sitting on the start line, your partner next to you, the engine roars as your foot eases onto the gas pedal. Waiting patiently for the green light so you can tear down the dirt road...

You are in it now, in it to win it, the car pushes around corners with ease, flies over humps. Your partner looks over at you and says, "it gets a bit tricky up here, sharp corners up ahead". The course has a S shape bend followed by a jump that leads into a sharp left. You slam the pedal to the floor, drifted around the first half of the S, ease up on the gas a bit to gain control just to slam it down again to get around the other half. You come out of the S with a little to much speed, hit the jump, and over shot the corner. BOOM! Car ended up in the trees.

Story over.

Was out driving the other night, just fooling around a bit, taking some fast sharp corners and stuff, being foolish being the young boy that I am. and it kinda got me thinking, Give it up? give up jogging for Rally Car racing... Sounds pretty fun. Then as I kept thinking about it, I realized that DEATH is a big part of that sport. I mean sure its fun to go fast, and stuff, but I think I can get the same satisfaction from my two feet than 4 wheels. When I'm driving, I don't feel in control, think about it, all the get in the gas and the steering. everything else is pre determined gas, road, weight, etc, etc. But when running, everything is under your control, think about it, your gas tank isn't 60L it doesn't run off a fuel that will run out, your gas tank runs on guts. You know like that Pre quote. And as for a road? there doesn't need to be one, every run could be an adventure, one where you find yourself on top of a mountain, or along side the ocean where the waves get your feet wet every step. Amazing things the human body. So much more than metal, plastic, and rubber. I'm not telling anybody to run or to stop driving or whatever, just think about how amazing you every day vehicle is.

all you need is legs.



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