Monday, March 02, 2015

Season Ender, Season Opener

Wrapped up early after a few races because indoors. Why prolong the torture. Raced a couple of times, in a couple of cool places, faded hard from the front at least once. The season was a get-in-pb-get-out-with-the-fewest-injuries-possible situation. As soon as things began getting sore, it's time to call it.

In four short weeks I will be travelling approximately 1 hour south to an undisclosed location for a beermile classic. Given the field assembled, my goal is to place top 5 and/or sub 5:40. These are very aggressive goals I realize, but this is not an average casual beermile. With multiple worlds competitors, and numerous up and comers, it is arguably one of the deepest group of beermilers to race in Ontario within recent years. Actually kind of hoping they make heats, as the participation is looking to top out at around 50+ competitors. That's a lot of people to get around on the track, not to mention the associated difficulty of locating your brew within 200 other beers.

Following in the path of consumption athletics, the annual H2MC will precede the beermile by one week and hopefully prove to be a good prep race. The goal here is to take back my title and course record. Last year consisted of gross over training in the eating/route planning category and undertraining in the running position (read: 3 days off before the event). Things will be different this time.

As the worst of winter comes to a close, it's time to prepare for a higher mileage phase and run some road races, maybe some long track racing too.

Get sum in all things college,


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