Monday, December 30, 2013

Confessions and Resolutions.

I was going to have the title read, Confessions, Absolutions, and Resolutions, just so I could have another "ions" word in there, but I realized that I do not think I know what exactly an "absolution" is. I mean the word is used in a church setting quite frequently I believe, and unless I am forming a new religious cult, other than the one I am already involved in (MILEAGE), I will be leaving that word out. But just out of curiosity and because google is only a couple clicks away, I will search it.... Yeah, it's not the word I'm looking for.

Twenty-thirteen is coming to a quick close and for the most part it was a fairly successful year, I mean, for a couple months I was quite fat, and for a couple months I was getting skinny again, and for a couple months I was fast again.

Confession 1: I was quite fat, until I of course got skinny again.

And basically, after getting that one off my chest the whole confession list is over.

As for Resolutions, I'd like to be profound and say I will do something profound, but I don't really think that's my style. I keep things simple.

Resolution 1: drink more than one water bottle a day.
Resolution 2: don't slack when a part of training doesn't go as planned.
Resolution 3: do more push-ups.
Resolution 4: stay not fat (new years eve edit, 11:27pm)
Resolution 5: live a little more like Miley.

Kay, the fifth one is kinda a joke, my booty can't twerk. Not that hers can either...

2014 here we come.


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