Friday, February 22, 2013

Just Have Fun

The day before a big race. People say always do the same thing to get ready, I'm not sure that this can actually happen. Many different things affect the preparation, as in the bus ride, hotel, sleep, whats on tv and what not. I am beginning to believe this is a little bit of bulls***. Although having some superstitions is completely fine, going over the top is a tad crazy. I know a guy who does shave on race day nor does he even drive! Craziness! Anyways what I'm trying to say is I do not do the same thing before every race, it changes from race to race. What I am getting at I guess is I would like to talk about my pre race prep tonight.

On the bus sat with SD who I often sit with and we watched a movie called Beasts of the Southern Wild , it turned out to be a pretty sweet flick. I recommend it to all who enjoy movies and even to those who don't. As the night went on, I find myself and the young guns (rooks) watching some of the scotties tourny of hearts. And I can't decide what we were more interested in, the attractiveness of Ontarios skip and 2nd or the game itself. Many sexual comments were made about the "yeaaaaahs" and "haaaarrrdds" that were yelled but I'll keep them to myself as I know a couple younger people who read this blog. Now with the night coming to an end (11pm) I will try to pull a George Costanza and leave on top with a funny of some sorts. So we begin to discuss how much money it would take for one of our party to streak down the hall. One of us said 100$, then I was asked. I responded with 15. Ten seconds later I was down the hall and back and I gladly accepted my reward.

I'll get naked for money.
pay up and enjoy.



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