Wednesday, December 05, 2012

This One Is For The Kids.

     Its bound to happen sometime, you know, kids, after marriage and all that fancy stuff. Not right now, don't worry mom this is not me letting you know that there is a little rj running around. Be more worried about DC having little durrs than me. Either way once they are around and they are old enough to understand words and stuff I will probs share stories of when I was a kid, my successes, my failures. Now hopefully, I can get the lil tyke to love what I love; Running. If not I couldn't tell him/her over half my stories. Finally getting to the point, one of these stories happend the other day. And of course there is going to be some exaggeration in every story, and 20 years from now the exaggeration is going to feel like its the truth. So here we go.

Hard Work and Dedication.

     XC season just ended 3 weeks ago, and in Uni track season comes up fast, so this year the coach thought we should get right back into the thick of things. We started doing some easy tempo runs, and on the weekend we would hit the track. This saturday morning was a special one too, we met on the track at 6:00 am and were welcomed by a foot of snow on the track and it was a chilly minus 10. To think the week before we were running topless. Now the sun was barely cresting the horizon, we could see our breath and started the warm up. After warming up as we were stretching and what not, we were informed of the workout, 15x400m with 60 seconds rest. Now can you imagine trudging through a foot of snow? Nope, we couldn't either, we all spiked up to get better traction and averaged 70 seconds for the whole 15. with the fastest being 65 sec. Needless to say legs were toast after that.

If thats the exaggerated story 4 days after the workout, I can't imagine what it is gunna sound like 20 years from now.

Dont be silly...
you know the rest.


p.s. Exam time, cant decide weither to study or blog. Home in 6 days.

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