Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Sock Hop.

       I don't know why, but for the strangest of reasons races are called dances, and the more important the race, the more formal the dance. I'm guessing this is due to the fact that as a team we participate in a "loose" sober october, and need to find a way to make races seem like fun. So naturally inter-lock gets named the Sock Hop. You know, its a good time, people from the french land join us, we kick off our shoes and hit the d-floor for a good time, not to serious. AUS now, its the Semi-Formal, I mean, its a big deal, need to win that to go to the big city on the rock. Finally CIS is simply known as THE BIG DANCE. I don't think an explanation is necessary.

      Alright, because they other two haven't happened I'll start with Inter-lock. I don't really know how to describe the race, our goal as a team was to keep up and possibly beat Laval. My goal for myself was to stay in contact with the leaders and make a push with 3km to go. Our team has had some injury problems putting a guy out that could have helped us, but being 5 points back from Laval is a good start. More importantly the positive comments we received from everyone including our competition at how surprised they were of us competing so well. Individually after the first lap, I gave the leaders 50-75m. I can't say why I did this, possibly to gain control over my race and not run someone else's and possibly to pick up the pieces of guys who went out a lil hard. In which I can say I defiantly did. Overall a good sign of the road to come.

     As I type this out for everyone, I am also half asleep on my desk, it has been one gruelling week for us in our lil university town, many miles and some final prep work for the weeks to come. The question on my mind... Nap, or Study?

I heard napping increases HGH. Hmm, I think I could use some of that.



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