Tuesday, September 30, 2014


I just want to points something out. There was this guy that worked for the Japanese air force that could predict with 80% accuracy which new pilots would become successful - by looking at their faces.

Check wikipedia. Its a thing. Maybe not to the scientific community. But its still a thing.

Based on your facial features, old greek people used to think they could tell alot about your personality. So I analyzed my face.

Judging by the best [worst] picture of me I could find, I have a "square-round face". So, this gives me the following charming characteristics:

"They are known as water-shaped faced people. They have plump and fleshy face. They are known to be sensitive and caring. They are thought to have strong sexual fantasies. If you are looking forward for a long-term, stable relationship, these people will prove to be the right choice."

I think I did it wrong. My lack of long term, stable relationship history coupled with my insensitive and uncaring nature makes me wonder if this pseudoscience is nothing more than a cousin of the horoscope.

But the real question is, if I put on lots of weight, and get a rounder, and plumper face, will I become more sensitive and caring, and will I get strong sexual fantasies???


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