Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Rhythm.

     The whole concept of time is beginning to confuse me, a fact that we know is that time can both slow down and speed up depending on certain factors. Examples being how enjoyable is this moment right now. For those reading this, probably not very enjoyable. But does this mean it is possible to have a 27 hour day or maybe even a 22 hour day? The unit of 60 min being 1 hour and how there are 24 hours in 1 day is very structured. But then again, life itself for a student-athlete is even more structured. 
     I mean true freedom is seldom an option while attending university, and I'm guessing also when one enters the real world as well. Lucky for me I guess, the art of putting one foot in front of the other repeatedly until either utter exhaustion or when the 60 min is up, is the most free I feel during the day. But it is also the part of my day, when time itself seems to not exist. Yes I may be wearing a watch(rarely) but the numbers that appear are meaningless. 

     I try to live in the present, without thinking to much about the "good ol days" or about whats down the road for me. By all means I a not saying that I don't think ahead, but more so I think ahead knowing that a couple curve balls will be thrown my way. The key is to overcome this adversity and maintain your own rhythm.   

     I guess to loop this all back to running as I should because we all love that sport, run because you love it, and run because it slows down time, run because it is the most natural art a human can take part in, and run because the beating of your heart, the soft foot strikes against the pavement, and your gentle breath create a rhythm that is yours. So ya better rock out to it!


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