Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Not When, But Where...

I've been pondering the thought of what I would be like without jogging.

Thats about as far as I ever get, but seriously, on my phone I keep a memo of stuff I wanna say on here to the wonderful people who often scroll the useless pages of blabbering on and on about nothing. I don't even know if that sentence makes sense. Moving on, here is what I had in the memo when I looked today.

Prison: in and out, same thing.
Garbage till I'm running.
Girl: hoots and hollas

Now, about the first thing if there is some ex con out there reading this, help me out, cause I have no idea what that means.

Been putting in some monster weeks, and some killer days, and slaving at a farm, and when I get a chance to sit and relax, I take, my entire body hates me. It screams "you suck", "don't ever move again", "you are dead". But of course after I fight off the rigamortis, I feel beyond relaxed!

So of course while on the run we have gotten our fair share of hecklers and hoots and even a few hollers, but that could be an entire other post. So me and my buddy AP were out in the kerr ferr a terr and we see this 9 out for a yog, so we decided to let her know we appreciate what she is doing.



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