Alright well, yesterday was the unofficial birthday of NPS, and just as it started last year, a season is over, and it's time for some needed rest. Not that I did anything crazy this indoors, just wanna let the legs rebuild some bounce. Then I'll try something really new and hop right back into workouts and build up for a strong outdoor season. I figure, I already have my base miles from december, and I just built up all of Jan and Feb, so getting right back into her might not be such a bad idear. Still gotta run the idea past a couple coaches as I am not yet my own full time coach. On that topic thou, We (RJ and DC) do create a bunch of workouts that we do in summer training. It's very strange cause its like we are our own guinea pigs. Enough with this jogging stuff.
The real reason I brought you here today is to talk about some traditions that the XC team has at X. Now of course most of these traditions envole drinking so are not done in season.
The first one is extremely humorous because its similar to the marathon, and as most of our guys have never run a full marathon, most of our guys cannot finish... you know what, I believe I cannot say these things as if someone of importance found out, I could get in trouble. So our team only drinks on CIS night and the athletic banquet for all those important people reading this.
And to those of you who aren't the important people who could get us in trouble, the beer mile (not the best video) is just around the corner. Giddy Up.
Wow, I've been wanting to talk about music for sometime now but keep getting distracted with other things. Shoot. Next time.
Tear it down.
Just to build it back up.
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