Monday, December 30, 2013

Confessions and Resolutions.

I was going to have the title read, Confessions, Absolutions, and Resolutions, just so I could have another "ions" word in there, but I realized that I do not think I know what exactly an "absolution" is. I mean the word is used in a church setting quite frequently I believe, and unless I am forming a new religious cult, other than the one I am already involved in (MILEAGE), I will be leaving that word out. But just out of curiosity and because google is only a couple clicks away, I will search it.... Yeah, it's not the word I'm looking for.

Twenty-thirteen is coming to a quick close and for the most part it was a fairly successful year, I mean, for a couple months I was quite fat, and for a couple months I was getting skinny again, and for a couple months I was fast again.

Confession 1: I was quite fat, until I of course got skinny again.

And basically, after getting that one off my chest the whole confession list is over.

As for Resolutions, I'd like to be profound and say I will do something profound, but I don't really think that's my style. I keep things simple.

Resolution 1: drink more than one water bottle a day.
Resolution 2: don't slack when a part of training doesn't go as planned.
Resolution 3: do more push-ups.
Resolution 4: stay not fat (new years eve edit, 11:27pm)
Resolution 5: live a little more like Miley.

Kay, the fifth one is kinda a joke, my booty can't twerk. Not that hers can either...

2014 here we come.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Remember When Miley Came Out With "Party in the USA", What A Slut.

Made the ol' journey home the other day, aiport lost my luggage, losing some mileage this week. fack! In my time off, waiting for luggage, I have been pondering the evolution of Miley. From Hanna Montana to what ever she is now. My conclusion, she is practicing some safe yoloing, and creating some mad musical fusion. Therefore after a long debate with my younger sister who believes yolo is "old" I have decided that, I will start hashtagging LLM. #LLM. It's simple, LIVE LIKE MILEY.

But in all seriousness why do we have to run indoor track... why can't we just have 2 xc seasons. A fall one, and a winter/spring one. That would be pretty sweet.

High On Purp.


Monday, December 02, 2013

Rolling Around Again.

Typical Day on the Exam Break.

9:00am Alarm: f*** that.
9:10 Snooze: Kay fine, lets do some work... Letsrun...Flotrack...Trackie...
10:30: lets go run. practice isn't till 11, but what if I forgot how to tie my shoes.
11:00: Run, preferably anywhere but on the roads, but hey.
12:30: Run over, sitting in the switchroom thinking of ways to take up more time, okay yeah sure, lets hit the gym, oh wait, I don't go to the gym.
1:00: Home for lunch, making the same sandwiches I have been making all year.
1:30: study.
2:00: actually start studying.
4:30: should I go for another run? totally!
5:00: supper with the boys, and countless arguing over anything to not go back to work.
8:00: study.
8:30: actually start studying.
9:30: maybe I should go for another run...

But in all seriousness I got fat, triples might help. Maybe. Some jokers on the team said they were gunna roll me down a hill. Race ya!

I heard somewhere that some short guy wanted to be in the NBA so he had to learn how to dunk. He started doing calf raises in the shower. I don't want to be in the NBA, but I am doing calf raises in the shower. Sorry for that image! How gross is that? Picturing a 145 pound fat runner in the shower!

f*** I got some self image problems.
