Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Tired Legs and Worn Souls.

F***. Another year for the books. Man, you should see my log book, like seriously its getting pretty thick, with over... gimme a sec here, gotta do some math here...
12'000km logged. 

But I'm not here to tell you how much I run, or how fast I am, the season is over. So none of that matters anymore, but it kinda does because (does, because, thats a nice rhyme) I have been beating myself up about CIS for the last week. I cramped up, and it sucked. But not for me, for my team. But its fine right, cause there is always next year. Just what about the day when there is no next year. 

F*** think about that for a sec. No more CIS XC. The kinda thought that is racing through my head right now, I only got 2 left. Gotta make due.

Guess I ought to start thinking about NEWFOUNDLAND 2014. Definitely not gunna eat the banquet food. 

y'all should come though, it's gunna be sweet.

