What it takes.
I still don't know, I've been playing this game for years and I still don't know what it truly takes. I mean, everyday I get out there, bust my a$$ off and I dunno why I even do it. I just have absolutely no idea when the game ends. Or does it end, I've been thinking, I don't think I'm in a sport where it just ends, yeah sure after Nationals it seems like the end, but its not we keep going. We keep running because we don't know what else to do. Somedays I try to imagine a world where I had say 20 more hours of free time. I am not saying I run for 20 hours a week, just think about how much mental preparation, how much more sleep, and all the little things you do. In the end all added up it is probably close to 30 hours a week, maybe more.
Back to the initial question, what it takes, or is that even a question. Lets change it. What does is take?
The next thought is "take" to what? Win? Run a 32min 10km? Who knows... But maybe the question is more personal, what does it take to make me satisfied?
Hell, I dunno... every time I step on the start line, or start another interval in practise, I just hope it goes better than the last one.
Little goals... little goals that are achieved in time take you from a point A and drop you off at point B.
And who knows when you will ever get to point B, I'm still chasing it.
but seriously,
If I had 30 extra hours a week... I'd get drunk a lot, maybe get fat.