Sunday, December 23, 2012

It's A FestIvus Miracle!

We Survived! No Apocalypse! 

A short message from all of us here at NPS.
Merry Christmas, and Happy Festivus.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Before The World Ends...

I keep being informed that this may be the last day I have on Planet Earth. I have not heard of any plans to leave the planet before it explodes or what ever may happen. The thing that I find most peculiar is that not one person has any idea of what is going to happen to the people of earth. No astrodes have been detected coming in earths direction, there hasn't been an outbreak of the black plague or anything yet, so as it seems the most likely cause of the end of the earth is zombies from too many people taking bath salts. So I will take this time as I sit alone in my home to compile a list of things I am proud I accomplished in life.

1. Won a Race. I been blessed to have won a total of 6 races. 2 of which are highlights of my athletic career being the 1500m and XC titles at EOSSAA in my senior year of high school. The 3rd being when I raced my younger sister from couch to the tv remote so we could deicide what we were going to watch. The other 3 are of lesser importance.

2. Have sober conversations with 3 pretty girls and ask there names without it being creepy. The names of these ladies will be kept a secret but they will receive a personal message from me on the final day of life, the message will either be a confession of my love or simply a link to this blog.

3. This one is an extension of the number 2, learn that pretty girls like skinny guys. This knowledge I would have loved to have earlier in life therefore maybe increasing the amount of pretty girls that i have talked too.

4. Make friends with bonds that can never be broken. To a runner such as myself I am a strong believer in the amount of miles ran next to an individual can decide on how strong the friendship is. A great example is DC, I'd say we ran over 10'000km side by each, and if the world does end, lets set the WR for fastest people to climb the Stairway. (Don't worry there are lots of you that fit this category, and if we can't get the WR, I'd say we could get the win in the team challenge)

5. Made memories that will last forever.

good bye earth was nice living with you.


Rj didn't actually live with earth because earth never lived, it's an inanimate object... just saying...

The end of the world is tomorrow and I mean even tho NASA predicted that the world wasn't going to end doesn't mean they're necessarily right, a 13 year old boy once proved NASA wrong so i'm not going to put all my eggs in one basket. So i've decided to make a compilations of things that i have accomplished in my life just like RJ so that one day, when humanity is gone, and aliens come strolling by with their ipods and pick up our wifi connection, they can maybe read this and idolize me or something. On that day my one true life goal and dream will be fulfilled because i'd have created a whole race of supreme runners.

1. I would love to put my ultimate life goal and dream, creating a whole race of supreme runners, as my first accomplishment, however, i'm not going to lie to you. The first and probably most important accomplishment in my life thus far will probably have to be the fact that I enjoy everything I do and that I do what I want, not influenced by others in to doing something I don't want to do. If i died tomorrow I would probably be content with how my life has turned out thus far with next to no regrets even tho i'd be pretty dissapointed that I didn't live to the certain day of me beating rj and dc in a race.

2. My second most prominent accomplishment would probably be all the sports i've managed to participate in. The things i do in life define me, all the races I've done, the endless hours of training i've completed, and all the friends i've made along the way!

3. My third biggest accomplishment would probably have to be passing kindergarten. Believe it or not i failed kindergarten, I have no idea how but they kept me back a year, i mean I never was good at coloring in the lines, and i wasn't very social, mean to other kids some may say but I don't think I was bad enough to fail! I wonder how they grade you in kindergarten because if i was graded on little kid swag and cutness i'd of skipped so many grades i'd of graduated already!

4. A fourth accomplishment would have to be all the great friends i've made through out my life. As i get older I'm starting to realize how important and how much best friends really mean to me

Well hope you die a quick painless death tomorrow!


First of all, click here to get a better appreciation for the gravity of this situation.

This is it friends. This is the end. The end of this post, the end of this blog, the end of the internet, the end of the modern world, The End. Following suit, I choke on sun.
And the days blur into one.
And the backs of my eyes hum with things I've never done.
I will list them here.

Premonitions of the future have assaulted my mind, no doubt from the aliens about to come to earth. Only 7 days from now, as we stand on the barren face of our planet, a fraction of our race remaining, the sun does not set, it does not rise, but constant twilight keeps time standing still.

I think to myself, " If this is it, I cannot lament my existence, for what bipedal humanoid would not be happy with having run a 58s 400m. I can die in peace."

The tremors increase in frequency and intensity, as we, bj, rj, ap, and sp stand in the center of a track. The erie orange glow of twilight accents the edges of the stadium stands as they crumble under the constant  unearthly tremors no doubt emanating from the numerous UFOs hovering thousands of feet above us, yet large enough to be visible in the pale red and yellow of the sky.

I think to myself, "If this is it, I can be happy with the way things turned out. For I once met 3 Olympian runners over the course of 3 weeks. I can die in peace."

A warm wind blows across the turf. As the the spaceships come close to us, we do not lament our impending doom and death, and as we are beamed slowly upwards, we slowly observe the final decay or the civilization of man, the grass black from the snow that lay on it only 7 days ago.

Floating high above the ground, I finally think to myself, "It's pretty cool I get to die with these dudes. Did everything else with them so it only makes sense. From the moment of RJ deciding him and I were going to run fast, to eventually becoming a group of 5, it's been a good run."

The beam finally brings us into the ships core,
The alien inside opens the ships door,
Close the door,
Get on the Floor,
Everyone walk the dinosaur.

DC, RJ, lmnAP

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Once Upon A Time...

A real life encounter with the one they call Durr and a worthy rival Steve the Deer. I can't take credit for this one. A tale straight from the horses, well in this case Deers, mouth. A few things to notice: Age is nothing but a the current year subtracted by the year you were born.
And a life can range over 40 years even if a man is only 20 years old due to past lives, and even worse dreams.

Without further ado, I give you the story.

     It was a dark and stormy night in the early 70's. I had just taken a redeye flight in from Miami; back in San Francisco, and was in no mood to talk. As I left the tarmac though I was passed a folded up piece of paper from the attractive flight attendant. "The Hilton Lobby in 1 hour". Thinking I had stumbled into a date with a fetching young woman with little to no effort. My exhaustion was wiped away and the fact it was 2 a.m. seemed to be a thing of the past.

     Stopping only to grab a large coffee from a rundown diner and a paper from the kiosk, I made my way over to the hotel with haste. Seeing as the time was only 2:40 now, I sauntered over to the bar and ordered a Scotch on the Rocks. The room was almost empty, as only the real nighthawks were sticking out the rest of the night. After a quick stop to the restroom to splash some water on myself, I set up shop in the corner of the room, giving myself a good vantage point of the entire room.

     All of sudden someone I recognized stepped into the room; except this was no enchanting flight attendant. It was a man I hadn't seen in almost 7 years, and had no wish to see again for another 3. Memories of Rio came flooding back, and not exactly the pleasant "picnic with the family" type. The man was Dur, the most dangerous assassin west of Bangladash. With over 200 recorded killings under his belt and a vicious 3k PB, this was no man you wanted to mess with. Knocking back the remainder of my Scotch and steeling my nerves, I kicked back my chair and stood. Sensing my movement, he spun. A smirk formed on his normally cold expressionless face.

     A stare-down not seen since the days of the cowboy had been started, and I wasn't sure of if I would survive to tell the tale. He pulled out his Colt as I matched with my Smith & Wesson. It had been a while since I had fired it and I had no doubts that Dur's was still warm from it's last shot. Raising my gun, his smirk only grew bigger. He had no fear of me or any mortal. Sweat dripped down my face, and from the corner of my eye I saw the bartender slowly back out of the room. I was on my own against Dur. The thought about running crossed my mind, but there was no way I could ever outrun him. My finger tightened on the trigger. Suddenly time slowed to a crawl. He started to fire as I emptied my clip. Suddenly a bolt of pain ripped through my chest. I had been hit, and my only hope was that he had been too. I gasped for air, unable to locate Dur in the madness, but all I could do as I sunk into unconsciousness was hope that I had done enough...

     I woke up in the hospital several days later, my world nothing but hurt. As I leaned over my bedside table I saw another note. "CIS XC 2013". Damn. Durr was still out there; training, racing, winning.

A humble beware message to all those who go looking for this man.
Steve the Deer and rj.

P.S. She is back!

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Getting back in to the swing of things

As the sun shines over the horizon, his first step lands on the cold hard ground, this is it, this is what he's been waiting for. He's been locked in a box of in activeness for 3 weeks and he's finally been set free. He takes off, no idea how fast he's going, the almost forgotten feeling of lactic acid building up in his legs once more. once more the feeling of the run. He continues his journey, running, running for the sake of him self, running  for the sake of his dreams, running for fun. Taking in every aspect of the almost forgotten experience the wind through his hair, the sweat dripping off his face the adrenaline pushing him on. Around the bend his adventure comes to an end along with the realization of how much fitness he's lost over his break, excited for the challenge of regaining it and improving, ready for anything.

Well it's around that time of year again where runners all over the country have to get off their lazy buts, stop getting fat and start running again, but I've been looking forward to it since the end of cross! That feeling of the wind through my eye lashes, the patter of my heart against my chest and the feeling of the cold hard ground beneath my feet, but there is one thing that I don't like about this wonderful time....The cold... To me there is nothing worse then the cold when running, it makes your face numb, your hands numb, your ears numb, in fact it makes almost everything numb! It seems to me that no matter how much you bundle up you still frezze your ass off, the only thing that keeps me going when running in the winter is the stereotype of runners being tough, I can't wait until i can start growing facial hair, because its going to make it much easier.

Anyway I always thought it was good to go over your goals at the start of the season and what you're going to do different, or the same, from last year to achieve them, so my goals this year are kind of time specific because I don't know if everyone heard about this but school sports are being canceled in Ontario, that's right no more cross country, no more nordic skiing , no more track! It's a tragedy! Regardless of there being no school related races, I still want to sub 9:00 in the 3000 and 4:10 in the 1500. I know they may seem a little far fetched but i like to keep my standards high.

Just like rj and dc mentioned in there posts earlier I think doing the little things such as stretching, doing abcs and strides after every run, icing frequently are all going to make it or break it this year, i figure that most kids my age aren't thinking about the little things so if I do them that's one thing I would have that they don't and most times those things are the most important.

Anyways I hope everyone has been buying advent calendars, because regardless of who you are, that should be a tradition. Until next time!


Wednesday, December 05, 2012

This One Is For The Kids.

     Its bound to happen sometime, you know, kids, after marriage and all that fancy stuff. Not right now, don't worry mom this is not me letting you know that there is a little rj running around. Be more worried about DC having little durrs than me. Either way once they are around and they are old enough to understand words and stuff I will probs share stories of when I was a kid, my successes, my failures. Now hopefully, I can get the lil tyke to love what I love; Running. If not I couldn't tell him/her over half my stories. Finally getting to the point, one of these stories happend the other day. And of course there is going to be some exaggeration in every story, and 20 years from now the exaggeration is going to feel like its the truth. So here we go.

Hard Work and Dedication.

     XC season just ended 3 weeks ago, and in Uni track season comes up fast, so this year the coach thought we should get right back into the thick of things. We started doing some easy tempo runs, and on the weekend we would hit the track. This saturday morning was a special one too, we met on the track at 6:00 am and were welcomed by a foot of snow on the track and it was a chilly minus 10. To think the week before we were running topless. Now the sun was barely cresting the horizon, we could see our breath and started the warm up. After warming up as we were stretching and what not, we were informed of the workout, 15x400m with 60 seconds rest. Now can you imagine trudging through a foot of snow? Nope, we couldn't either, we all spiked up to get better traction and averaged 70 seconds for the whole 15. with the fastest being 65 sec. Needless to say legs were toast after that.

If thats the exaggerated story 4 days after the workout, I can't imagine what it is gunna sound like 20 years from now.

Dont be silly...
you know the rest.


p.s. Exam time, cant decide weither to study or blog. Home in 6 days.