Sunday morning as everyone is nursing their hangovers from a long night of beers, the St.FX xc team heads out on the road to tackle miles and miles of dirt road. From my understanding, it's the same dirt road that has been run on since the beginning of time. Anyways, some of us were also nursing headaches this early sunny sunday morning and as always the conversation of sundays LSD always goes to the night before, where you hear stories of hook ups, puking on windows, falling, beer pong, pub, etc etc.
But was not expected was crossing paths with an idol of the whole St.FX team. Everyone turned their heads as he gracefully floated by. Our stomachs were filled with butterflies, our hearts pumping, our legs running in the opposite direction?
I look right, I see AD, I look left I see SD. "umm... wanna...?"
Before I could finish that thought we were chasing down none other than Eric Gillis. It was amazing! It was the same feeling you get when you really like a girl and wanna tap her on the shoulder and say hello. So there we were, with no game plan just hamming after the legend that is Eric Gillis, minutes go by but it feels like hours as we try to catch up. Finally after 3 minutes there we are, on his shoulder speaking words to him.
Of course we forget to congratulate him on the Olympics and stuff. But the conversation was everything but dry, he asks us who we were, we chatted about school, running, the Time Trail, life events other than the Olympics. Hands down a once or twice in a life time experience. He had to peel off and head home, so we casually said our good byes and continued our stroll.
next up Wykes...